Dec 21, 2005

Ready for the holidays

This is our family pic for everyone's cards this year. If Che were standing you would see that he's almost as tall as me now...mere inches from being taller!

A quick update on the status of baby:
  • after a belly review by the midwife, the hemotologist, and the Obgyn it is a sure thing that baby is actually due May 26th...and all the dates below are incorrect!
  • the pic of Mark and I is actually when & where baby was conceived!
  • my 1st belly pic is actually at 15 weeks
  • it's been a few weeks since Dr. Rhone told me I was actually a high risk that really bummed me out! (especially because it may mean I can't have my delievery with the midwife - which is what I really want!) In a few months this designation may change if the hemotolgy expert doesn't believe I will need to start taking Heparin due to my potential blood clotting disorder. This is a blood thinner most often prescribed to pregnant women as it doesn't cross the placenta effecting baby's blood - but it would mean two injections into my belly a day! So time, my blood and my pituitary, will tell whether my risk will be high or low...I'll keep you posted...
  • so far the baby is developing as it should be and I have been feeling fine...aside from those pesky symptoms like nausea, fatigue, etc. In comparison to some stories I've heard I'm pretty sure that my sypmtoms are all quite minimal, and I hope this trend continues! ;)
Given how flakey I feel I've become, I'm actually on the ball this year with my letterwriting, etc...most of you should have received some pics in the mail by xmas I hope!

hope your holidays are joy-full!

much love and many hugs

Dec 6, 2005

Our first peek!

So last night we went for our first ultrasound. My Obgyn, Dr. Rhone, wanted me to have a dating ultrasound to make sure I'm as far along as I think I am. (My period has never been consistent so it could happen that I am wrong on the conception...which I think is Sept 18th)

The technician told me they don't usually do dating ultrasounds between weeks 10-17 because it's hard to gauge in this time.

However, the technician believes that I am actually a few weeks farther a long than I thought! I'll have to have another ultrasound in a few weeks to confirm this suspicion...but so far it seems out little one is already a trickster and keeping us guessing! ;)

Though this picture is not highly detailed you can see baby's head on the right, tummy on the left, and arm over the head. :)

It made it feel very real for me to actually see it's heart pumping and watching it move around inside! For the past few months it's been kinda surreal to be nauseas and tired all the time but otherwise normal. I officially feel pregnant now! :)