Mar 30, 2006

A look in & out at 32 weeks

With two months to go we have finally started getting things organized around the home for little gem's arrival. Still so much to do, but my work schedule will now be lightened a bit and I have more time to get us ready!

Very much enjoying my prenatal yoga classes every week! (I will finish this class the week before I'm due) All part of my "taking care of me and baby" routine. Though I keep letting things fall off my plate in these past months, I have no regrets about putting rest ahead of all else when I feel it's needed.

As you can see in the latest belly pic (and I keep hearing from everyone!) my belly has gotten pretty big. It's amazing what a difference one month has made in making me look very pregnant!

At our appointments this month both gem and I have been in good health. And it has been mentioned by all that gem is a big baby for this age.

Yesterday we went for another ultrasound to make sure all was developing normally. Before Dr. Rhone is totally willing to let me go as primary care, and release me to the midwives completely, she wants to be sure the risk of complications is still minimal late in my pregnancy...good news is that we continue to pull through with good results!

As the technicians were doing the ultrasound one of them asked if I wanted to know approximately how much little gem weighed at this point. I said "sure" and they told me baby is already about 6 lbs. So, I asked if this was a good weight...and she said "Yeah...for delivery!" Ha ha! Developmentally right on track, but a close to a few weeks bigger than average.

However, it is fairly healthy for a baby to be bigger than average (there are more concerns when a baby is smaller than average), and everything is developing as it should be at this stage. I'm just hoping the last two months don't have too much more growth in store for me! ;)

Check out the chubby cheeks on gem! Not as good a pic as we would have liked, but at 32 weeks it's not easy to get good images...especially when they're big for their age! I turned the pic so you don't have to tilt your head to see the face...blurry as it is!

Mark has felt baby move many times now. Of course, I feel it move all day long! Like most, gem has a few very active times in the day, and then small movements throughout the day to remind it's there. :)

We have our prenatal workshop coming up in April, and more frequent visits with the midwives starting this month too. I figure there will be more to update everyone on and therefore more frequent updates to come!

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