Apr 29, 2006

At the hospital

We arrived at BC Women's at 8:30 am and were taken right away to our private birthing room. By now I've been experiencing contractions since 6:30 pm last night. The bad ones really didn't start until about 4 am...lucky me ;)

I made it through the natural labour to a full 10 cm dilated, but by 9pm it became clear the little one wasn't going to drop enough. And the head was turned the wrong way!

So after receiving my epideral (I had officially reached my pain threshold after 26 1/2 hours of labour already!) we decided on a c-section after being told the baby was not lickely going to drop any further. If the baby dropped they could have used forceps to turn it around to finish off the natural birth. But after being told I could try pushing for another hour or two and likely it still wouldn't drop far enough I voted for the c-section. Not going to push any longer for no reason!

Then it was the waiting game until surgery. This pic is me and Mark waiting to move on to the next stage. Me doped up and him in his scrubs. An emergency c-section was a head of us, and then as they were wheeling me in for my turn, the obstitrician was called away for another labour...and I was wheeled back for some more waiting time in my room.

Finally, at midnight, I was taken into the surgery room. Mark had to wait 'til I was prepped before he could join me...

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