May 13, 2006

Meet-the-Baby Shower :)

Our baby shower turned out to be everyone's first chance to meet Sasha, the day before she was two weeks old.

It was a beautiful afternoon so we hung out on Shannon's back deck, and as everyone took turns holding Sasha, we shared stories and ate lots of yummy snacks...and this fabulous cake made by Penny!

She will now be one of the best dressed babies in all of Vancouver! We were spoiled with many styley clothes, great books, toys, baby stuff, organic foods and a wonderful quilt hand made by Liz. The best gift for me was a massage! Yeah :)

Below are some pics from the afternoon, including one with the quilt. Other than a pic of me & Sasha, she is also seen here with her Aunties Irma, Elaine, Virginia, Bev, JoAnne and Adrienne. Joey showing off the softest stuffed duck ever, and me with Sasha's Granma Liz and Granma Penny. And last but not least is a pic with me and the three lucious ladies who made our baby shower possible - Kirsten, JoAnne and the hostess with the mostest Shannon! Love you ladies!

With a fabulous daddy and many great uncle figures in her life Sasha will likely develop high standards for the boys who come into her life. (we hope!)

But I feel so lucky to be able to introduce Sasha to the many wonderful women in my life who have been friends and mentors, and who will continue to be extraordinary positive influences in her world. To all of the women of strength in my life (whether you made it to the shower or know who you are!) eternal thanks!

much love and many hugs

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