Aug 15, 2006

a week away

We had a lovely journey to the cabin, just outside of Vernon, and a two day stay with our friends in Castlegar too! A crazy week of road trips which Sasha handled like a trooper as always. Here she is on one of many stops to feed her along the way :)

This was the first of two weeks that Che is with us, and along with Granma we had cousin Sarah with us for the cabin adventure. We are ever grateful to Marjorie and Dale for spoiling all of us for the week!!

Mark, Sasha and I took a couple of days away from the cabin to visit our dear friends Yanive, Shannon and little Ayden who moved to Castelgar last winter. Sooo great to see them and for Sasha to meet them!!

Many good memories created this week for us! The pictures below show some of the best details of the trip:
- clearly we needed a vacation: Mark and Sasha sacked out on the couch
- Sasha gets her first taste of the drivers seat as we pause for a stretch
- Marjorie shares her view from the beach with Sasha. This is the view from the back of their cabin. That is Okanagan Lake.
- thankful for a wonderful day!
- Mark feeding her to the horses ;) This is the view from the front of the cabin. Both lakeside and farmside!
- they match the furniture! totally classic cottage furnishings...comfy and versatile!
- Sarah does storytime for Sasha
- feeding Nancy...the duck that comes for food at dawn and dusk everyday
- Che and Sarah...the surfin' posers!
- beware the demon cattle!
- proud papas Mark & Yanive chillin' out with their little loved ones :)
- Yanive playin' some tunes - that's how you start the day off right
- Yanive, Shannon, Ayden and his best friend Tori...and the nice view from their back deck
(we watched the first amazing lightening storm I've seen since moving here from Ontario...the flashes touching down on all the peaks like this one surrounding Castlegar - super visual display of nature!)
- around the fire on the beach: Penny says "Come and get me mozzies!"; Sasha enchanted by the flames!
- me and Sasha
- game time! we learned some great new card and dice game from for the whole family :)
- Marjorie helped Sarah and I learn how to make jam, quick and easy I know what to do with the monster bush of blackberries in our yard!
- lots of napping for our stimulated little babe ;)

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