Feb 15, 2007

rally in victoria

Yeepa! Sasha and I ended up going to Victoria after all!

Anita and I experienced the adventure of ferry line ups with hungry kids and getting around on board (the old ferries) with strollers...fun workout! ;)

We lucked out for the day as it was a sunny and mild, and thanks to Anita and Robi we received a wonderful walking tour of parts of Victoria, including a lovely stroll along the ocean front!

With spending time with Anita & Charlie, making new friends with Robi & Owen (trying to hold Sasha's hand in this pic...awwww) and Paula, a good turnout for the rally, lovely weather and rejuvenating fun of lots of walking and talking...well it couldn't have been more of a fabulous day :)

Here's a picture taken at the legislature, and below a few other fave pics from the day: rally prep on the ferry over; Sasha & Charlie in the car and playing on the ferry home; Sasha & Owen making mischief at the coffee shop; all the kids fell asleep by the end of the afternoon stroll...and here's Sasha flaked out; and the crocus flowers already blooming...lovely!

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