we hit the road with both kids for another journey...and turns out all of our stops this summer have been in communities that start with C. july was Cache creek, clinton, chase and castlegar. last week was campbell river and cortes island. now everyone i know needs to move to a place that starts with D - teehee ;)
as we were distracted by the strike upon our return last month, this trip was not as well planned so there was so much we wanted to do that didn't happen - the biggest being that we didn't get to visit with Judy & Gord who I really wanted to see and introduce Sasha to.
we did get to spend a night with Heath and Melissa in their digs they moved to last fall. short but very sweet visit!
here's Mark and the kids enjoying their hot tub...oooooh...verra nice...
it was a full house at Heath & Mel's too. not just the 4 of us as guests...there were also 2 dogs, 2 cats and 2 kittens running about! great fun - and Che was in heaven...bit of a cat lover he is.
the 2nd downside to the first night of camping was only a downside for me...involves lotsa bugs. while sittin' around the fire I found a spider crawling on me...jumped up to swipe it off and Mark pointed out a second spider (you all know how much I love spiders right? aaaaaaagh!) So then it's bed time and after pulling back the blanket I feel something I think is a rock...start brushing it out of the bed...only that doesn't feel like a rock. flashlight shows what looks like a glosette raisin...what the heck? then it moves...and unravels...a worm? no...it's got lotsa legs...a centipede!!! aaaagh!
the next day was beautiful so we played at the park
and we went for a hike at Elk Falls...beautiful.
after packin' up camp the next day, we went to the Discovery Pier for frozen yogurt...and some cute photo ops...check out our new reality with Sasha. turn your head for a moment and she says 'see ya!'
we met up with Johnny, Kristen and Jacob at the ferry terminal to end our journey with 3 nights at their place on cortes island. while we wiled away the time on the waterfront...
and Che climbed about and Kristen played with the kids...I just happened to bump into the other friend I wanted to reconnect with in campbell river! I haven't seen my buddy Wayne in years and had wanted to touch base before we left...but I couldn't find his info in our office (every time i take a step forward in organizing this room, we get busy and then things pile and I end up taking another step back...hohum) only moments before we headed back to the ferry terminal...I see a familiar face along the waterfront...it's Wayne!! yeepa! got to hug my friend after all...funny thing that synergy that keeps people in our worlds :)
our stay on cortes wasn't long enough of course...so many great people to meet...so much beauty to take in! but it was quality time we will never forget! On Lisa Joe's farm (where we got fresh eggs and figs...and super company...gotta love a woman with the moxy to stand in front of a speeding truck to make them slow down for the safety of her kids and animals!) Sasha got to meet some sheep and chickens. turns out Che is a natural chicken catcher...that will come in handy one day ;)
did I mention our time there was not nearly long enough! what a great place...full of great people! made a few new friends and have not eaten such great food in a while...Johnny is a superb cook and Kristen is the best baker I know...mmmmmmmmmmm...we even had fresh venison...so fresh I actually saw the deer in the final stage of slaughter...watched it being parceled...a genuinely honest food moment for me...and the small gathering we enjoyed the roast with provided an excellent finish to the experience!
once again I am immersed in a deep sense of gratitude for soulfull music and the privilege of good friends and family to share my life with, and that help fill our life with rich memories and experiences...never a dull moment ;)
tomorrow we're back to the picket lines...for now I will relish the lazy day and this blissful afterglow of a wonder-full week that marked my 10th anniversary in BC!
1 comment:
Is King Karl still around? Is the Castle still accessible? Is there a contact?
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