Sasha has a new favorite spot to guitar case! Endless peek-a-boo fun ;)
Here is the real definition of fun: a week of sickness (congestion, sore throat, mild fever and a brutal cough that made her cry) mixed with all four of her canine teeth coming through the surface at once! Sleep deprivation has been a challenge for us but it seems she is pretty much back to health. And she was surprisingly happy throughout it all given her level of discomfort...
Glad she was better a couple of days ago for the first playdate with Merlin in our new home. They were full of joy to see each other again and Sasha was all over him with hugs...and his big smile all afternoon was proof of his happiness too. Gilly and I were so happy to realize at one point -"the kids are playing in Sasha's room and we're able to sit and enjoy our tea together!" A bittersweet moment as we really liked they are old enough and able enough to play away from us...but the flip to that of course is that they aren't little babies anymore! They've both progressed so far and it's so wonderful to see.
After a few visits from friends and family and time to get to find our way around the new 'hood, we are finally feeling settled in and loving life in the co-op so far! The people we've met are all terrific and everyone continues to make us feel welcome. Thomas jokingly (i think) said he was giving us 'til the end of January before he started asking us what we want to commit time to around here...but I've beat him to the punch and found one way to contribute.
One woman undertook starting up a newsletter for our co-op a little while a go to help build a feeling of community. She was looking for people to contribute items, so for the January newsletter I wrote an article, the first in a series I am writing on public education through the lens of my experience in my many hats in that realm. I'm calling it Lifelong Learner because that is what education equates to in my mind...lifelong learning. If any of you are interested in receiving a copy of any articles let me know.
I'm feeling really stoked about the progress Tanya and I are making with the documentary. We now have some solid interview commitments and the support I've been given so far for the project is fantastic!
One thing you can do to help (If you haven't heard from me through other channels already) I'd really love it if you could visit and vote for my proposal so it will be given official project status. If we get 100 votes by Feb 11th (and we only need 51 more at this point!) then they will support our efforts to raise money for start up funds while we work through the application stages of CBC, NFB, etc.
This is a busy week to come. Tomorrow, after I work, we are taking Penny out for a night on the town. I'm very much looking forward to the performance "Dual Eclipse: Orchestras of Two Worlds" (part of the PuSH International Performing Arts Festival) we're going to see at the Chan Centre. A long time since I've been to any kind of theatre show, and this is at a theatre I haven't been to either - so excited!
Then Monday the job share finally starts! Yeepa! wooooooohoooooo! Once I get child arranged (it is surprisingly difficult to find part time care that gels with our needs...but I think something will work out soon enough!) 3 of the big stresses of last year are in a place of stability for a while. aaaahhhhh
A meeting for CPEN mid-week and a public education conference on the weekend add excitement to the week as well!
To end on even more of a positive note: here are two more pics of our cutey pie having fun around home :)
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