Tho I worked more than I wanted to over the holidays (lots of hours for auxilary staff when others take holiday time), we did enjoy a fair bit of quality family time as well. By new years eve I didn't even have the energy to make it to our co-op common room to celebrate with our neighbours and friends. Nice quiet couch night for us to end the year!
A quick recap with photos from holiday magic time with the Whittams, and our cousins too.
Morning story time; kids enjoying their presents; favorite gift for Sasha was the doctors kit from Santa (she saw this in a store when we were shopping for others, and for the first time ever said "I want to leave the store with this!". We snuck it into our pile of things to purchase after telling her we were only there to pick out gifts for our family. Then when she opened it up she was soooo surprised and asked "how did Santa know I wanted this?!"); Mark the happy camper opening his tix for a Canucks game; hugs of gratitude for Grandma :)
Sasha playing doctor with everyone willing to be her patient; Brett trying to teach Sasha how to wrestle;
For fun with our cousins we had a laid back fondu nite, with yum chocolate truffle dessert. Love this silly pic of the 'little' cousins.
And a few games of wacky Jenga :D
Love all the family in our life and gratitude for all of our time with them! Best gift ever :)
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