Nov 26, 2007

almost outta here...

with only 4 sleeps left here on 36th thought I'd put out a quick update...with the chaos of the week to come it will likely be the last for a bit.

since last week we have put a couple more loads into storage which will reduce our work load this thursday and friday as we get everything out of here. the emptier it gets in here the more real it feels that this is our home no longer...

last week while Sasha and I were on a journey around the neighbourhood, we saw a coyote just a block away from here! it moved so quickly and silently I would never have noticed it had it not passed before me. though we locked eyes it clearly had a path it was the direction of our house - my first thought "where was Karma when we left?!"...sleeping on the bed - whew!

the last time I saw a coyote was when we lived at main & 41st near the cemetary. it surprises me how much territory they can cover in this city, and I wonder how many people are aware of the "living with coyotes" info Vancouver has available for people to inform themselves. maybe because 've read the info on the web site ( and the brochures I picked up my first trip to Stanley Park long ago...well the surprise of seeing the coyotes never scares me. It's pretty cool to watch them glide out of sight...and I'm choosing to ignore the folklore that it is bad luck when they cross your path!

especially today as I go for my cat scan - finally! 2 1/2 months since my concussion and my head will now be scanned. given I can still feel the bruising at the point of impact I know it's the worst concussion I've ever had...but I'd still be surprised if this scan shows anything other than a normal looking skull. solid as a rock my head is ;)

it will likely be a couple of weeks before I get any results...I'll let you know when I know what kind of damage, if any, I've done to myself this time.

other than the Kengsington Community Association AGM on wednesday (where I end my time as a member of the board after 2 years - it was a great learning experience for me and I'm thankful to all my fellow board and program committee members who made it wonderful!) we're just playin' and packin' for the next few days before our final move out.

it's been a great place to live this little home on 36th. with all of our involvement at Che's school, organizing events in the local park with neighbours, the great friendships that evolved with many of our neighbours, volunteering on the board at Kensington, becoming the MC for community events...and the most wonderful memory of all - welcoming our baby girl into our world! though eagerly looking forward to entrenching ourselves in the mount pleasant's no wonder I'm so sad to leave. much gratitude to the kensington community for the good times while we were here!!

Mark and I now head to our 7th home together in 10 years...exactly 10 years ago since our first kiss - the first kiss he remembers anyway! LOL! Ready to take on a whole new home with our little family...and another 10 years together. smooches babe :)

here are the final pics I'll post from Sasha's first home: she definetly doesn't fit into the infant car seat anymore!!; totally in love with her brother...and the really cool happy face pillow he made; the tantrum side; and quiet time with mommy :)

"All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another." ~Anatole France

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